Brief Four readings
For Brief Four, I have been put into a group with Chris and Wenping. I haven't working with either of them yet, so I am interested and excited with how we will work together and what we will create. Brief Three is about using sound and image only, and steering away from the human body. As a group, we divided the readings up evenly. I read the introduction of Slow Cinema, by Tiago de Luca and I wrote dot-points about my findings and what I stood out to me as I read it. Slow Cinema: Based on the employment of (often extremely) long takes, de-centred and understated modes of storytelling, and a pronounced emphasis on quietude and the everyday. From 2010 there was much critical debate surrounding it. Boring, waste of time. A large socio-cultural movement whose aim is to rescue extended temporal structures from the accelerated tempo of late capitalism Contemporary contemplative cinema An unstructured film movement made up of disparate films and practices that are conceptuali...