In the first studio this week, we watched many short creative pieces. They were all very different, but the majority of them lacked a narrative, or dialogue. I found these pieces interesting and sometimes quite jarring as they are very different to the short films/movies that I would generally watch. 

I noticed that with the absence of dialogue and clear narrative, the viewer pays a lot of attention towards the movement and choreography of the bodies within the frame. As we can't rely on the typical conventions of films, we as an audience find meaning through movement.

-what are you most excited about?

I am excited about this semester as we are learning about something that I'm not very familiar with. It goes against my usually interests, especially as I enjoy screenwriting.

-what are you most nervous about?

I am also nervous about this semester as I am learning something new, and sometimes I find the screenings that we have seen as quite repetitive and sometimes confusing. 

-what do you want to explore/find out/discover?

I want to discover more about filming creative pieces devoid of dialogue, but are still able to affect the audience in an emotional, meaningful way. I want to be able to use these new skills in my work, as in screenwriting it's important to have minimal, meaningful dialogue. This course will help me learn to convey meaning and emotion in ways other than dialogue.

-reflect on previous collaborative projects: what have you found difficult? What skills have you picked up from those experiences? Any tips or pointers?

I've sometimes found it difficult to work in groups as each person has different ideas and different work ethics. Working in groups in this class will be interesting as we all have different things to offer and bring to the table (e.g some people have a creative writing background, some have a media background). When working in groups, it's important to listen to everyone's thoughts and create something that the whole group has contributed to, and be proud of.
